This is not an exhaustive list at all, but is a list of hacks I use, as well as a few I know of but I don't use. A couple are invaluable to me (especially Perfect Plants).
Global Mods:
CEP by Numenor is required to use most custom objects.

- No zzz's while sleeping: a new mod from Numenor. I used to have to put my sims to bed in one spot, then pause and move the bed with sleeping sims to where I wanted it, away from the zz's. This didn't always work, so judicious use of PSP's Clone Brush tool was sometimes necessary. No more. Yay for Numenor. :)
- No visuals effects for stereos: Numenor. Removes the musical notes.
- No stars when slapped: by Numenor.
- See Them Patch: by Dave Luv removes the censor blur, and you can also permanently turn on the testingCheats menus, placement out of the lot, and diagonal placement.
- Perfect Plants: by twojeffs at Inteenimator stops your plants from dying, meaning you can multilayer plants and make more realistic gardens without having to worry about their upkeep.
- Pregnancy Wear Any Outfit: by Squinge
In-game Buyable Hacked Items

- Talk Overlay: standing, by decorgal at MTS2
- Talk Overlay: sitting, by decorgal at MTS2 animations while sitting in a chair.
- Idle Animations by Jixs at MTS2
- Dance Animation by Jixs at MTS2

- Hula and More by Squinge a hack that allows for all sorts of animations, bringing up a menu on the sim.
- Prop Attachment by Jixs at MTS2 sims can hold all sorts of props from a gun to a mug of coffee.
- Sims Boutique Clothing Hack by christianlov at MTS2 and the Coat Rack by Marylou and Numenor at MTS2 buy clothes and change your appearance on the lot -- acts as a wardrobe, mirror, plastic surgery unit and shop.

- Simlogical Teleporter: this item would be redundant with the Tombstone of L&D on the lot, but for one feature I love: "Clear All Visitors". I no longer have to dread the "Some visitors have arrived to welcome you to the neighbourhood!" notice. You can also use this hack to bring a neighbour over without actually adding them to the family.

- Weather Atmosphere (w/o Seasons) by chris997 at MTS2
- Family Ghost by Eric at Insim
- Teleport/Move In Pets by christianlov at MTS2 does what the Tombstone of L&D won't -- move in pets from another lot.

Specialist Items with Custom Animations
Both of these items are available at Sexy Sims 2. This is an adult site, you must be 18 years or over to register or download.
- Lovebed by Shaklin - not just for lurve of all kinds, but useful for making dead people, too.
- McNutty's Shower by Hunter - Hunter is a genius. A genius, I tell you. That is all.
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